合格好看的美式探案剧离so called 现实就还是有距离这一季罪案原型是现实案例最多的相较可以发现电视剧之所以好看是因为无翼鸟h漫里面的人比现实里的人更理性做事有自知的原因更organized实例里不管是受害者、作案者和侦察者司法者都更无序一地鸡毛但更见人性幽微处 E3原型:Center City rapistTroy Graves;E6原型:Cadet KillersDavid Graham& Diane Zamora.
it's a sad story about the vietnam war.two american soldiers nick and mike changed a lot in the war,nick lost himself from a warm-hearted man to a cool man,mike survived the war but he would not be happy again without his best friend nick~~